rkward::plot_options | embedded.pluginmap | Provides a wide range of options for plots. Most plotting plugins utilize this. | Plots->Barplot, most other plotting plugins |
rkward::color_chooser | embedded.pluginmap | Very simple plugin for specifying a color. Current implementation provides a list of color names. Future implementations may provide
more elaborate color picking. | Plots->Histogram |
rkward::plot_stepfun_options | embedded.pluginmap | Step function plot options | Plots->ECDF plot |
rkward::histogram_options | embedded.pluginmap | Histogram (plot) options | Plots->Histogram |
rkward::barplot_embed | embedded.pluginmap | Barplot options | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::one_var_tabulation | embedded.pluginmap | Provides tabulation on a single variable. | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::limit_vector_length | embedded.pluginmap | Limit the length of a vector (to the n largest or smallest elements). | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::level_select | embedded.pluginmap | Provides a <valueselector> filled with the levels (or unique values) of a vector. | Data->Recode Categorical data |
rkward::multi_input | embedded.pluginmap | Combines spinbox, input and radio controls to provide input for character, numeric, logical data. | Data->Recode Categorical data |